Our Inspiration

Kalavati Devi: Shree Kalavati Devi was born to pious parents Smt. Sitabai and Mr. Shantaram Kalyanpurkar of Karwar [in Karnataka State] at the auspicious time [Brahmi muhurta] on the day of Rushi Panchami in the month of Bhadrapada. She is our Guru.

Late Dr. Vasantrao Saraf: Hon. Late Dr. Vasantrao Saraf was the founder of this Institute. He was the one of leading practioner & social worker at his time. .He had a support of his wife Late Mrs. Dr. Kusumawati v. Saraf, who was a topmost gynaecologist at her time. With a vision of up gradation of ayurveda & health for all, they started this charitable Institute on 1991 since then it’s running smoonthly & growing fastly. Our college is one of the oldest & renowned Private Colleges in Maharashtra State & biggest infrastructure among all Ayurvedic Colleges in the State.

Late Dr. Mrs. Kusumavati V. Saraf: Dr. Kusumavati was leading practioner in Sangamner. She deveted her life to all projects invented from Dr. Vasantrao Saraf. She was a good administrator and very kind mother. She was religious personality. Her all bessings are always with us.

Mr. Sanjay Saraf (Architecture & Interior Designer): Mr. Sanjay is famous persolaty in architecture field, great knowledge of hospital interior designing. Only with his full enthusiastic support we are able to fullfill our dream of a great institution.