Rasashastra and bhaisjyakalpana department

INTRODUCTION: Our subject includes 2 different methods of preparation of medicine ie;

  1. Rasashastra- Rasa means Parad, and study about it in detail called shastra. In this subject we learn about Parad(Mercury) and other Minerals, Gems and Poisonous substances. which are clearly divided into groups. Each groups consist of 8-9 substance and each substance is well defined from its existence to its purification etc. From this all different minerals many medicinal formulations are prepared and explained properly and also preparation methods and Testing are explain in detail.
  2. Bhaisjyakalpana- bhaishya means Aushad it deal with preparation of various compound/ formulation containing Herbal, Animal drug origin components through authentic standard procedure. Collectively all this final outcomes known as kalpanas.It is based on 5 basic kalpanas as well as on Upkalpana which are clearly discussed in this section.

VISION OF DEPARTMENT: Attain perfection in pharmaceutical processing of Ayurvedic formulations with Standard Operative Procedures.

MISSION OF DEPARTMENT: To develop standard quality dosage forms of Ayurveda formulations without altering the basic concepts to achieve utmost therapeutically benefits.


  1. To acquire Theoretical and practical knowledge of Kalpa at the end of Profession/course.
  2. To develop and modify classical formulations adopting advanced technology and to validate classical formulations to achieve safety and efficacy.
  3. To bring confluence in achieving academic excellence and promoting scientific Research methods in Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana.

TEACHING AND LEARNING METHODS USED BY DEPARTMENT: Teaching and learning process by the dept. is based on Student centric method. In which various techniques are used ie;

  1. Audio Visuals Aids
  2. Group discussion
  3. Tutorials
  4. Shloka recitation
  5. Demonstration

 BENEFITS TO STUDENTS:  Due to various activates conducted by dept. as well as using beneficial teaching methods  students can get proper classical as well as modern knowledge about preparations of medicines